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Kat James

Kat James is an award-winning nutrition author, researcher, leptin pioneer, and syndicated radio host who has been called a master of self-transformation by SELF magazine, as well as the "Jane Goodall of leptin" after she overcame autoimmune, liver, and eating disorders that nearly took her life, then taught countess others her original protocol, by living along with more than 115 groups, with doctor-verified success. 


James' pioneering dietary method is now recommended by top neurologic, fertility, functional medicine, stem cell, metabolic, and dental clinics around the world. She's been featured at top spas and institutions such as Omega Institute and Canyon Ranch, as well as on PBS, Today, Fox, Hallmark Channel, TBS, Good Day New York, and SELF, in Life Extension, Glamour, and Marie Claire, among others.

"In my international research and education to the scientific and medical communities I have not encountered a retreat or Program that so consistently produces (and, more importantly, maintains) the biochemical affects on leptin and mTOR as Kat James' Total Transformation does."       

—Dr. Ron Rosedale, world authority on leptin and insulin

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Feel your body transform and your head clear, in real time, 
as you experience a truly unique and scientifically-validated lifestyle approach alongside Kat James, in a beautiful location. Enjoy sumptuous yet strategically transforming meals You help to prepare, as your physical burdens lighten. Most importantly, you'll return home, not only with changes you and others will see and feel, but a powerful new, lifelong tool...


Let us answer your questions, here… either regarding dates, details, or registration for Kat James’ Total Transformation® Programs, or your questions Kat will try to answer on The Kat James Show, airing on SiriusXM, 131 Family Talk, Saturdays at 3pm EST (noon PST).


While you’ll be added to our mailing list when you submit your inquiry, please note: we’ve never—and will never—share your information. Also, we won’t pester you with daily, or even weekly emails, as Kat no longer does monthly newsletters, due to her increased time conducting on-site Total Transformation® Programs (120 and counting!), as well as interviews on her own show and others’. So, instead, we hope you’ll be proactive and reach out to us regarding attending Kat’s life-changing in-person or online Program, or to feature her on or at your show or event.


Thanks for your inquiry!


LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The health approaches presented here at are not offered as cures, prescriptions, diagnoses or a means of such. No attempt should be made to use any of this information as a form of treatment without the approval and guidance of your doctor. and its publishers assume no responsibility for the correct or incorrect use of its information.

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